Larry Bloch
2 min readJul 31, 2021


The global system has delivered decades of peace, stability, growth and human progress. This should never be underestimated or forgotten.

That said, the warning signs have been clear. Trump was a warning writ large. The masses are not happy — and rightly so.

Someone should be (is currently) writing a book titled “How Boomers stole my Future”. Because for Gen Z and Millennials, that’s exactly what’s happened.

The US Executive Branch, the FED, the Supreme Court, the IMF and World Bank, the ECB etc — these are Boomer organisations, and — as well meaning as they perhaps are — they are the robber barons of the 21st century.

When I heard someone say “Bitcoin is a Boomer coin”, I got it, I agreed, and if I wasn’t such a lame almost-boomer, I’d have sold all my bitcoin and bought something that didn’t exist before 2017.

“Boomer” is becoming one of the most pejorative things a young person can say. And rightly so. With the benefit of hindsight, the Boomer generation rigged the system to benefit themselves, raped the environment, the planet, the unfortunate, the foreign “third world” and quite frequently any women they felt power over (not limited to Boomers unfortunately). They have enriched themselves, entrenched their hegemony, rejected any accountability and for all intents and purposes turned their back on the highest of human aspirations — to leave their kids a better world. At least that’s how history will judge them.

The IMF is a torch bearer for Boomers. Right thinking humans should reflexively assume that the opposite of what the IMF advocate is a higher probability of being on the path of enlightenment.




Larry Bloch

Entrepreneur, mathematician, computer scientist, thinker, futurist.